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Tidal Volume Calculator

1. What is a Tidal Volume Calculator?

Definition: This calculator estimates the tidal volume range and endotracheal tube (ETT) depth based on the patient's sex and height.

Purpose: Useful for determining appropriate ventilation settings and ETT placement in medical procedures.

2. How Does the Calculator Work?

The calculations are based on the following formulas:

\[ \text{IBW (kg, female)} = 45.5 + 0.9 \times (\text{Height [cm]} - 152) \]
\[ \text{IBW (kg, male)} = 50 + 0.9 \times (\text{Height [cm]} - 152) \]
\[ \text{Minimal Tidal Volume (ml)} = 6 \times \text{IBW} \]
\[ \text{Maximal Tidal Volume (ml)} = 8 \times \text{IBW} \]
\[ \text{ETT Depth (cm)} = 0.1 \times \text{Height [cm]} + 4 \]

Unit Conversions:

  • Height: in → cm (×2.54)
  • IBW: kg
  • Tidal Volume: ml
  • ETT Depth: cm
Explanation: Height is converted to cm if in inches, IBW is calculated using the SI formula, and tidal volume range and ETT depth are derived accordingly.

3. Importance of Tidal Volume Calculation

Details: Accurate tidal volume and ETT depth estimation are critical for safe mechanical ventilation and airway management.

4. Using the Calculator

Tips: Enter height (cm or in, >0) and select sex. Results show ideal body weight (kg), tidal volume range (ml), and ETT depth (cm).

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