1. What is a Tetrahedron Volume Calculator?
Definition: This calculator computes the volume, surface area, height, surface area to volume ratio, and the radii of insphere, midsphere, and circumsphere of a tetrahedron based on its edge length \( L \).
Purpose: Useful in geometry, engineering, and chemistry for analyzing tetrahedral shapes and their properties.
2. How Does the Calculator Work?
The calculations are based on the following formulas:
\[ H = \frac{\sqrt{6}}{3} L \]
\[ V = \frac{L^3}{6 \sqrt{2}} \]
\[ A = \sqrt{3} L^2 \]
\[ \text{SVR} = \frac{A}{V} \]
\[ r_i = \frac{L}{\sqrt{24}} \]
\[ r_k = \frac{L}{\sqrt{8}} \]
\[ r_u = \frac{L \sqrt{6}}{4} \]
Unit Conversions:
- Input (Length): mm (×0.1), cm (×1), m (×100), in (×2.54), ft (×30.48) to cm
- Length: cm (direct), in (×0.393701), ft (×0.0328084), m (×0.01)
- Area: cm² (direct), in² (×0.155), ft² (×0.00107639), m² (×0.0001)
- Volume: cm³ (direct), in³ (×0.0610237), ft³ (×0.0000353147), m³ (×0.000001), L (×0.001)
- SVR: cm⁻¹ (direct), in⁻¹ (×0.393701), ft⁻¹ (×0.0328084), m⁻¹ (×0.01)
Explanation: The edge length is converted to cm, properties are calculated, and then converted to other units.
3. Importance of Tetrahedron Calculations
Details: Tetrahedrons are used in simulations, molecular modeling, and even historical board games. Accurate calculations help in understanding spatial properties and optimizing designs.
4. Using the Calculator
Tips: Enter the edge length \( L \) in mm, cm, m, in, or ft (must be >0). Results show the height, volume, surface area, surface area to volume ratio, and sphere radii in multiple units.
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